
Latest BEAM updates


New Features

  • Compatible with Rhino 8

  • Compatible with Revit 2025 ( )

  • Parameters now do not allow wrong data to be inserted ( Area, Length, Number, Volume )

  • Select multiple geometry types and assign properties and parameters simultaneously

  • BEAM

    • Export / Import blocks and geometry at the same time


    • Automatic family with option Use Existing, families matching block names will be used

  • Grasshopper

    • Rename families

  • RAY

    • Export using Rhino 7 or Rhino 8

  • IFC ( 1.10.4. 0 )

    • New export engine, faster performance and compatibility

General Improvements

  • Several bug fixes and improvements

  • Improved geometry compatibility and materials

  • Hidden geometry in blocks will not be exported

  • Dark mode for Rhino 8 and Revit

  • Query updates for a better user experience ( )



New Features

  • Compatible with Revit 2024 ( )

  • Export / Import in Project Base Point

  • Select Project Location to Export / Import

  • Visibility settings for geometry in Rhino: Fine, Medium and Coarse

  • Import lines and arcs in Revit

  • Lines and Arcs subcategories as Revit line styles


    • Option to import family not as work-plane based

  • Grasshopper

    • Select block from the model

    • Find model by Mark

    • Delete Level

    • Find Level by height

    • Export Ifc

  • RAY

    • Groups can now be exported

  • IFC

    • Columns, floors, walls, ceilings are automatically split by brep.

General Improvements

  • Several bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed and issue with RAY returning null


New Features

  • Compatible with Revit 2023


    • New options when using existing families

  • Grasshopper

    • Get all Block Definition names in Rhino document

    • Get all Block instances by Definition name

    • Read / write Block instance Parameter

    • Export Blocks to .beam file

    • Read User Text from object

  • RAY

    • Groups can now be exported

General Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where material surface and background colour did not apply to imported family objects

  • Fixed an issue where mirrored or copied blocks did not get a new Mark

  • Fixed an issue when importing system components blocks

  • Fixed an issue where scaled blocks did not mirror correctly

  • Fixed an IFC compatibility issue with Solibri

  • Fixed an issue with IFC location returning null

  • Fixed IFC Panel behaviour

  • Fixed IFC Windows and Door type not exporting correctly

  • Fixed BEM panel opening when copy pasting in Rhino

  • Fixed an issue when importing shared parameters crashing Rhino

  • Fixed an issue when mirrored blocks were not updated because they missed Mark value

  • Improved performance in large files

  • Better login error information

  • Improved UI performance with large datasets


Licensed users, read this!

This is a major release includes critical changes to licensing.

From 1st of July 2022 licenses will stop working on all previous versions.

Lite version is not affected.

New Features

  • New languages available: Italian, Spanish, French and Chinese ( Simplified )

  • Parameters are now distinguished between Type and Instance

  • SubD objects are now natively exported

  • Faster area collection


    • Blocks are now always instances

    • Update previously placed blocks

  • Grasshopper

    • Export .beam files from selected objects.

General Improvements

  • Bug fixes

  • UI adjustments

  • Speed and stability increased

  • User experience improvements

  • Fixed an issue with BLOCS when files with blocks are scaled to new unit system and block definition geometry does not ( Rhino 7 only )

  • Fixed Dynamo .dll referencing


New Features

  • IFC

    • Export Rhino geometry and data in IFC 4

    • IFC Document data

    • Levels

    • Parameter Types

    • Parameter Sets

    • IFC Types and Predefined Types

    • Define Rhino Document Coordinates

    • Export with custom origin

  • RAY

    • Use Rhino Inside Technology

    • Improved materials

    • Improved geometry quality

    • Improved speed

    • Launch Rhino from inside Revit

    • Exports elements as named groups

  • Grasshopper

    • Create Levels

    • Get Levels

    • Set Point Parameters

    • Set IFC Data

    • Get Objects by Family name

General Improvements

  • Compatible with Revit 2022

  • Panel Updates when using BEAM Grasshopper Components

  • Improved nested elements selection in RAY

  • Fixed an issue with degenerate topography meshes from Revit

  • URSA language compatibility improved

  • Fixed Revit 2018 License issue

  • Fixed Grasshopper baking first object missing

  • UI adjustments

  • Minor bug fixes


New Features

  • Schedule and edit instanced blocks and curves/points

  • Material Type Parameter assigned to Family in Revit

  • Automatic Mark assignment to block instances and curve/points


    • Blocks can be imported in Families, the definition geometry will be used.

  • URSA

    • update Adaptive Components with Mark

  • RAY

    • export Mark when exporting Adaptive Components

  • Grasshopper

    • Bake to Layer

General Improvements

  • New modern and reactive UI

  • Improved stability

  • Optimized Grasshopper Components

  • Fixed a Dynamo incompatibility issue

  • Faster geometry area check

  • Fixed import units issue with RAY in Rhino.

  • Cancel editing Parameters

  • Fixed .beam file padding for unconventional machine environments


New Features

  • Compatible with Rhino 7

  • The following Categories will be imported as Loadable Families

    • Ceilings

    • Curtain Panels

    • Floors

    • Roofs

    • Stairs

    • Topography

    • Walls

  • BEAM

    • Create Revit Materials from Rhino Materials


    • Export and import multiple blocks types at the same time

    • Instantiate Rhino blocks parameters

    • New dialog with blocks previews

  • RAY

    • Import Revit Materials and Parameters from Revit to Rhino

    • Pre select solid elements

    • Export in Shared Coordinates

General Improvements

  • Quick buttons to assign Families and Materials

  • Improved memory usage

  • Speed and stability increased

  • Fixed a bug related to Materials assigned to layers in Rhino

  • Fixed a bug related to Revit Materials with invalid or uninitialized colours

  • Fixed Curtain Panels Loadable families mirror with BLOCS

  • Fixed Transfer Properties not applying subcategories to blocks

  • Fixed a bug related to Shared Coordinates

  • Fixed Curtain Panels showing twice in the dropdown

  • Fixed bug in RAY when exporting edges inside families

  • RAY will no longer show parameters with incompatible Categories


New Features:

  • Compatible with Revit 2021

  • Query now counts curves in Families

  • Updated Custom Parameters Dialog with new format

  • Edit Custom Parameters and remove multiple Custom Parameters.

  • Rhino Materials are automatically assigned as BEAM materials.

  • BEAM

    • Added option to force update system families.


    • Rhino blocks are automatically assigned families

    • Blocks can be renamed using the Panel in Rhino

    • Select visible Blocks by block definition name

    • Added ability to import automatically while using BLOCS in Revit

    • System Families can be imported and placed using import feature

  • RAY

    • Export adaptive components as polylines

General Improvements

  • Revit Progress Bar stays always on top of Revit

  • Minor bug fixes


New Features:

  • Import using Shared Coordinates

General Improvements

  • Minor bug fixes

  • UI adjustments

  • Fixed a bug exporting closed curves failing the beam export

  • Fixed a localization problem in RAY preventing export

  • Fixed Dynamo warnings about missing directories

  • Improved high DPI screens compatibility


General Improvements

  • Minor bug fixes


First stable release of BEAM!

Last updated