Use Rhino® curves and points to place Autodesk® Revit™ families and adaptive Components

URSA can place adaptive components or family instances using polylines and points exported from Rhino with BEAM.

Polylines and points can be assigned to sets to group them and select with F. Each polyline and point has its own parameters to drive instance parameters of the components in Revit.

Previously placed components will be updated using its mark. When creating curves and points in Rhino a mark is automatically assigned.

Choose from the drop-down which .beam to use and what Revit family type to place. Only adaptive components and level based families will be available.

URSA only uses points, lines and polylines to place elements. Check your Rhino geometry with the what command and verify if it is compatible.

Placing adaptive components

In Rhino create polylines with the same amount of points as the Adaptive Components' Adaptive Points. Create lines if the component uses two points and create points if the component only uses one point.

Non matching elements in the .beam will be automatically excluded. URSA will place the adaptive components using the vertices coordinates and assign instance Parameters.

To control the instance parameters of the adaptive components assign Parameters to each point or curve with the Panel in Rhino. URSA will assign the value when creating the adaptive components in Revit.

Updating components

URSA can update previously placed adaptive components and family instances. It uses mark to track elements across Rhino and Revit.

Curves and points have an automatic unique Mark assignment in Rhino. You can edit this Mark and use RAY to import in Rhino adaptive components with mark. After importing the curves, edit them in Rhino and use URSA to update the components.

Placing families

Export with points to place the families in the Project. URSA will find the closest level below the Z coordinate of the point and assign the family to that level with the correct offset constraint.

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